MS Paint Keyboard Shortcuts

MS Paint File Menu Keyboard Shortcuts :
Create New File | Ctrl + N |
Open Picture | Ctrl + O |
Save Picture | Ctrl + S |
Save Picture as New File | F12 |
Print Picture | Ctrl + P |
Properties of Picture | Ctrl + E |
Close MS Paint Window | Alt + F4 |
MS Paint – Home Tab Keyboard Shortcuts :
Paste Form Clipboard | Ctrl + V |
Cut From Clipboard | Ctrl + X |
Copy From Clipboard | Ctrl + C |
Select Entire Picture | Ctrl + A |
Crop the Picture | Ctrl + Shift + X |
Resize & Skew Picture | Ctrl + W |
Increases Width Size of Line & Eraser Tool | Ctrl + Plus(+) |
Decreases Width Size of Line & Eraser Tool | Ctrl + Minus(-) |
Undo | Ctrl + Z |
Redo | Ctrl + Y |
Delete Selection | Delete |
Cancel Selection | Esc |
Right Arrow | Move Right Selection / Active Shape by One Pixel |
Left Arrow | Move Left Selection / Active Shape by One Pixel |
Up Arrow | Move Up Selection / Active Shape by One Pixel |
Down Arrow | Move Down Selection / Active Shape by One Pixel |
Invert Entire Picture | Ctrl + Shift + I |
MS Paint Help | F1 |
MS Paint – View Tab Keyboard Shortcuts :
Zoom In Picture | Ctrl + Page Up |
Zoom Out Picture | Ctrl + Page Down |
Show Rulers | Ctrl + R |
Show Gridlines | Ctrl + G |
Full Screen Picture | F11 |
MS Paint – Text Tab Keyboard Shortcuts :
Bold Selected Text | Ctrl + B |
Italic Selected Text | Ctrl + I |
Underline Selected Text | Ctrl + U |
Increase Selected Text Font Size | Ctrl + Shift + > |
Decrease Selected Text Font Size | Ctrl + Shift + < |
Selected Text In Capital Letter/ Normal Type Letter | Ctrl + Shift + A |
Bullet on Selected Text | Ctrl + Shift + L |