How to Format Windows 10 in Dell, HP & Lenovo Laptops?

How to Format Windows 10 in Your Dell Laptop?

If you have Dell Laptop & you want to format your window in your own Laptop. So we can help you for format Windows 10 in your Dell laptop. If you want to format Windows 10 in your Dell laptop.

how to format Windows 10 in your Dell laptop?
Now follow some easy method for formatting Windows 10 in your Dell laptop: –

  • You should go to the Window start button in the bottom left on your PC – Go to the settings option.
  • Click the start window button and go to setting, icon click them.
  • Then follow the next step you should go to Update & security.
  • Then click here on update & security and then you find a new screen
  • Choose a recovery option for resetting your laptop.

Click on get started option & click it to choose any one option as your requirement,

  • If you want to back up your data then you should choose “Keep my files” otherwise you will lose every data on your PC.
  • If you want to remove your data & clean the drive then you should choose “Remove everything”.

Warning:- If you clicked the Remove Everything option then it will remove all your Personal files, Data, App, Windows files &, etc because you have clicked the remove everything option.

Ready to reset your Laptop

Click Reset Button & Then Windows 10 will remove everything, wait for few minutes then a new screen will appear to choose an option: – Select the option Continue.

Now in your Laptop, Windows 10 is formatted.  

How Can You Format Windows 10 in Your HP Laptop?

If you have a Windows 10 HP Laptop & You are facing any Technical problem with it then you should format it.

Then you should follow some easy steps to format Windows 10 in hp laptop

  • Press the window start button and then press the F11 key Then after few minutes you will find a new window.
  • You should choose the troubleshoot and click this option and then you will find a new window of troubleshooting.
  • Now you should select this option to Reset this PC.
  • When you will select the Keep my files Option Then it will start processing. You can see this – processing 1% ……………….….100%.

After some time your Windows 10 will get installed.

Wait for few minutes….

Now your window has been installed and now you will find a new windows 10 in HP Laptop or PC.

How to Format Windows 10 in LENOVO Laptop?

If you have a Windows 10 Lenovo Laptop & You are facing any Technical problem with it then you should format it.

Then you should follow some simple steps to format windows 10 in a Lenovo Laptop

Press right-click on your mouse or press right-click button on your keyboard.

Click personalize and then you will see a new window.

Then you will find the update and security window and choose Recovery and first of all choose Reset this PC.

Click get started button.

Wait for few minutes and after some time you find a new window of Choose an Option.

  • Click troubleshoot option and follow some other steps-

Warning:- If you clicked the Remove Everything option then it will remove all your Personal files, Data, App, Windows files &, etc because you have clicked the remove everything option.

Ready to reset your Laptop

Click the Reset Button.

  • Choose only the drive where window is installed for a New Windows 10 in Lenovo Laptop .

Now your window has been installed and now you will find a new windows 10 in Lenovo Laptop or PC.

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